What is 3D Hair Transplantation
Advantages of 3D Hair Transplantation
1. Nat*al-looking: 3D植发技术可zui大限度地模仿头发自然生长的方向和规律,给人一种更为自然的视觉效果。相比于传统植发技术,3D植发技术可以更好的去除传统方法所致的“假发”外观。
2. Ultra-precision: 3D植发技术的zui大优势在于其精度。通过头发处理剪切、下载、沟槽处理、种植四个环节的配合,可以更加精细地模拟头发生长的规律,达到自然的但又美观的植发效果。
3. Minimal Scarring: 3D植发技术的种植过程中,担心切口留下难看的疤痕。但是,3D植发技术几乎没有切口,因此几乎没有可见的疤痕。可以缩短康复时间,短期内让*作部位完全恢复。
The Process of 3D Hair Transplantation
In order to achieve a good effect of 3D hair transplantation, the following fo* steps are needed:
1. Hair treatment: Hair needs to be carefully cut, downloaded and treated before being implanted. Each follicular unit must be inspected for quality and integrity before being implanted.
2. Fundus treatment: In order to ens*e the s*vival of the implanted hair, a good foundation is essential. The density, distribution and angle of each hair follicle must be considered.
3. Pits for hair follicles: Typically, a tiny incision is made in the scalp, where the hair follicle will be implanted.
4. Implantation of hair follicles: The implantation of hair follicles requires s*gical precision. Each hair follicle must be carefully implanted in the right place, direction and angle.
3D hair transplantation has become an increasingly popular choice in treating hair loss due to its nat*al-looking appearance and overwhelming advantages. Through precise management of every step in the hair transplantation process, the technology can achieve a nat*al look and feel that is optimal for patients who are looking to regain their confidence.